Yellow and Violet Banana Leopard Design using Gel Pens Nail Art Tutorial

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Hi! In this design I use gel pens to create leopard print on nails. My dad had bought me some regular gel pens that are used to write on paper. He had thought that I could use them on my nails. When he gave them to me and told about his idea, I was like no way it’s going to work! The clear polish will sweep them off my nails for sure! I ended up trying them out and to my amazement found that they actually did work! Yay, how cool! They were really easy to use and before top coat, I was able to erase them if I did make a mistake. So they’re great for beginners too! I used a shimmery yellow pen and a metallic violet pen to create a fun colored leopard print on light yellow polish background. I chose to call this design a Banana Leopard Design because of the yellow color scheme.

Yellow and Violet Banana Leopard Design using Gel Pens Nail Art Tutorial
